A.Hayrapetyan. On Syntactic Structure Representation (in Eastern Armenian: Բնական խոսքի ընդհանրական ներկայացման մի տարբերակի մասին). Agoulis, Concord, 2022
1. Foreword
1.1 Annotation
Humans create images of reality in their mind using the input from senses. They describe, externalize these images, in particular, using speech. Production and comprehension of speech is a conscious, cognitive process. The generation (production) and analysis (consumption) of speech occurs according to the set of rules of natural languages. Language and speech are related as producer and product. The syntactic structure of speech is universal for all natural languages - it is a tree like structure of signs denoting processes, concepts and objects of reality. An approach to designing such a structure – the context tree - that can be produced and consumed using the rules of any natural language is discussed in the book.
1.2 Structure of the book and the summary
The book contains 322 pages, 5 drawings, 136 tables, 198 glossary terms. There are 90 references cited in the work. The index contains about 1200 terms.
The 2 subsections below repeat the content of the original namesake sections almost entirely: only few paragraphs at the end are skipped. The sections following the “Foreword” cover: a) NLP (Natural Language Processing) basics, b) Eastern Armenian morphology (Word forms and morphemes, Nouns: declension, Verbs: conjugation, and Summary of morphology sections of the original), c) syntax (Sentence, Intellectual Activity, and Formation of Meaning sections of the work) d) content of the Appendices, e) Conclusions, and f) Next Steps. The last two are not part of the work.
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