Digital Humanities
Digital Humanities (in Armenian)
To use of information technology (IT), computer science, and mathematics requires it is important [continue]
Digital Humanities Websites (in Armenian)
General and Armenian DH websites, as videos on linguistics and AI issues are listed [continue]
Armenian DH Applications (in Armenian)
Some Armenia DH sites review and analysis (wider and more systematic approach to review is needed) [continue]
Corpus linguistics (in Armenian)
See chatGPT's opinion on key concepts: Interviewing chatGPT: Corpus linguistics. list of annotated literature: [continue]
by Chafe. I noticed some similarities with my [Հայ2022] book in the selection of topics (judging by sections titles) and the overall structure [continue]
On Syntactic Structure Representation
Humans create images of reality in their mind using the input from senses. They describe, externalize these images, in particular, using speech. Production and comprehension of speech is a conscious, cognitive process. The generation (production) and analysis (consumption) of speech occurs according to the set of rules of natural languages. Language and speech are related as producer and product. [continue]
Interviewing ChatBotGPT:
ԼԱ կառուցման տրամաբանական հիմք է լեզվի մաթեմատիկական [Հայ2022] մոդելը: Այն հնարավորություն կտա լեզվաբաններին լեզուն ուսումնասիրել հաշվողական գիտությունների եւ կոմպյուտերային տեխնոլոգիաների միջոցներով, ճիշտ այնպես, ինչպես ֆիզիկոսներն են օգտվում LHC կամ JWST: [շարունակել]
Universal Dependencies (UD) is a natural language schema tagging (annotation) toolkit. It is built on the foundation of a long tradition of typologically oriented grammatical theories.[continue]